Shiku did something very sweet and innocent today, and I want to record it here.
He was playing with his toys...he took one plastic glass and covered and it and showed it to Manjusha saying, "Akku aasi(maasi), see tower!" Manjusha replied, "Baby only one thing cannot make it a tower, you have to put something on top of it for that." Now, what Shiku did next was amazingly nice...he took a piece of paper, and put it on top of his 'tower', with so much sincerity, as if that solved the problem. Of course, he did what he was asked to's not his fault the instruction was not clear enough!
That got me thinking...isn't our mind exactly the same? And, aren't we giving it similar unclear instructions. For example, when I am in pain, I keep saying, "Oh God, I am having so much pain, I can't..." etc. Of when I want something, what do I say? "I wish I could have that...why don't I have it...why can't I..." etc. So, what does my mind understand? That I am in pain, I can't have something. So what does it makes me feel the pain more. 'I can't have that thing I desire' gets written down into my mind! So what do I get?
I remember someone once said to me, "Our mind is like a computer. What you instruct it to do, that's what you get!" So, what should I instruct my mind to do?
I should perhaps try saying, "I am thankful that I have X and have the wisdom and will to work to get Y...". Many a times, it works. These days, I have observed this kind of thing working for small things...wishing for rain, or a clear sky, for small things troubling me to get resolved etc. Of course, I have to work a lot to think like that all the least I have begun :-)
And, I wish Chunchu and Shiku keep reminding me such important lessons and of course, keep learning themselves :-)
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