Saturday, June 11, 2011

Driving woes... it's been about a month since I started driving to office myself. The experience has been mind-blowing, to say the very least...yes, it blows my mind to see how people drive and how they expect others to think of them as the owners of the roads where they tread!
I might be a new driver, but I know the rules and it feels like I'm the only one following them. Only once in a while I meet a sensible person following the rules as much as they can, and I feel like me, they must also be struggling with the decision to become like others (aka reckless and insensible) or to continue being glared and honked at just because you stop at the red-light, or give an indicator while taking a turn, or try to be sensitive towards other drivers or peddlers...
There are things I think are plain common sense, which I wonder perhaps, people leave at their homes when they take on to the road!!! Some examples:
  • Aren't you supposed to apply brakes, when needed, or is it a race where the winner is the one who NEVER applies brakes, come what may? So what, if the car right in front of me had to brake because some strayed animal decided to cross the road suddenly?
  • Aren't you supposed to STOP when the signal is red, despite the fact that there is no one ahead of you...I mean the signal must mean something. If they wanted you to jump it at every opportunity, why would they put it there in the first place?
  • If you are on foot and trying to cross to the other side of the road in the middle of a busy highway, aren't you supposed to look right and then left, and then again right, before you step onto that dangerous road and force each of the moving vehicles to brake furiously, just because you forgot that lesson you were taught in class 1?
  • If you bought that two-wheeler thinking that it was your ticket to ride anywhere and everywhere, aren't you supposed to realize that by assuming you don't need any space to move on the road, you are actually putting other people's lives at risk? I see the bike-riders zig-zagging through the traffic, over-taking from the wrong side (that too on a turn!), or hitting your car from behind when the signal turns red! And their argument always is the same, "Why the hell did you apply brakes???" So am I expected to keep moving, probably fly on the top of the vehicle in front of me, just because the honorable bike-rider doesn't want to stop or slow down?
  • Isn't it common sense that if I turn on my indicator, I intend to take a turn? Why do people always have to speed at turns, what satisfaction do they get when they are able to stop someone from taking a turn? Does it satisfy their ego, or their sadistic senses to have delayed someone? (BTW, why do they think they are delaying me?)
  • Since I am a woman and women drivers are considered to be "bad" drivers, aren't they taking a greater risk if they are breaking the rules while I am on the road...why do they have to apply sudden brakes to see if I can handle the pressure, or cross the road running and grinning at me, or perhaps trying to race with me on their pathetic bicycle? I guess these typical MCPs are just looking for an excuse to comment at me, or mock me...but you should see their faces when the trick doesn't work! I do not pick a fight with them, I do not reply to their sick comments, and I am able to maneuver my car without being hit and without frowning at their desperate attempt to piss me off!
  • And then, there are these auto-rickshaw drivers who will NEVER let you overtake them because how can a car, that too a woman's car, possibly overtake them on the highway, while they are busy proving to the other auto-wallah that their vehicle is the fastest?
  • Let me not forget to mention those smart ones who will keep honking every few seconds to probably remind you that they are following you, and they hate to follow since they probably own the road and no one else has the right to bar their way, even if there is a traffic jam, or occupied lanes? It is, after all, your responsibility to give them way, even if there is none available. And I so foolishly thought that if I wanted to overtake a vehicle, I had to find space and I had to increase my speed!!!
  • Then, there are those who will honk at you when you are buying a ticket at the toll plaza...why, their time is so precious that they expect you to break the signal, damage your car, put your life at risk, break the law, get arrested, do what it takes to LET them go ahead of you? They CAN'T possibly WAIT to let you pass first! Come on, how insensible of you to think that the purpose of the toll bridge was to pay before you used the road!!!
 I could possibly go on and on about how insensitive and insensible people behave while driving, but then my words fail me...there are so many instances and so many types of nerds on the road that I guess I should write a book (will probably title it "Being a Woman Driver in India"). On a serious note, I think Indian government should also introduce driving tests for issuing DL and also, implement hefty fines for those breaking the rules; because they not only put their own life at risk, but also that of others in danger. I, personally, would love to live till I am old, and die amidst my grandchildren (not on road because of some idiot who decided to break the law for reaching 2 min early)!

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