Sunday, May 8, 2011

My 'Little Prince' turns 3!

Yes, Shiku is 3 today! But why do I feel he is still the little boy who used to call me 'mimmi' and looked expectantly at me when I walked into the room?

So much has changed over the last 3 years...Shiku speaks full sentences, applies logic to unfamiliar situations, tries to compete with his sister for everything, and many a times, beats her at it ( though he is younger, thinner, and even shorter)! The one appreciable thing about him is he is very confident. He might be shy in the company of strangers and not talk as much he does at home (well, he is a chatterbox :-)), but the way he carries himself, the way he walks into a totally unknown place, the way he looks around at strange things and develops his understanding about them, is totally amazing.

Yes, every mother thinks her child is a genius and the cutest, so do I. But then, Shiku sometimes does talk like a very intelligent person and do I feel proud? There are so many questions he asks, and I wonder how did he even come up with it! There are so many logics and observations he mentions and surprises me with his innocent yet smart reasoning. There are so many things I didn't know he even knew and he remembers and repeats them so clearly that my heart swells with pride for him. And every time this happens, I utter so many prayers and wishes for him.
These days, Shiku's been learning many new things at school, and he is a fast leaner. But then, he never makes a fuss about anything new that he does. It is as if it is natural, and he rather expects himself to learn new things every day. If I appreciate him for his recognizing 'A B C' or for counting up to 10, he would gracefully accept the appreciation but won't feel too happy or proud about it. Kids mostly feel and show how happy they are getting appreciation from an adult; Shiku never does that.

He is also a very good observer, as most kids are, but he is capable of putting each and every observation of his in clear words. That's what amazes me all the time :-)

A wonderful coincidence that Mother's day and Shiku's b'day coincided...we've been wishing each-other since morning. The most wonderful thing about my son is this. In the morning, when I leave for work, I always kiss the kids goodbye and  ask them for a "bye kissi". Even if he's asleep, Shiku kisses at the mention of this phrase "Shiku, bye waali kissi..." and then, he just goes back to sleep, as if it was an automatic reaction to something that is programed into his mind! I love him for that!

I love him for saying "Good Evening" as soon as he sees me getting out of my car, when I get home from work. I love him for kissing me on my cheeks, on my forehead, on my nose - without any reason, and without even asking for it. I love him for the way he appreciates me, like today he said, "My mom drives very well!". I love him for the way he puckers up his mouth, puts his hand on my face and compliments, "Aap bahut achche ho...". I love him for competing with his sister to get the spot beside me for sleeping. I love him for the fact that he has made at least two lives wonderful - mine and Chunchu's. Chunchu said the other day, "Mumma, Shiku is the cutest!" and today, "Mumma, I love Shiku so much!"

Loads of love and tonnes of wishes to Shiku...have a healthy, happy, prosperous and long life!

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